Conscious Inclusion
Conscious inclusion is building the desire, insight and capacity of people to make decisions, do business and to think and act with the conscious intent of including a diverse range of people in leadership.
Conscious inclusion helps all employees to understand their own biases and their impact on those around them to do, or not do, their best work.
TMGB Conscious Inclusion Model

Cultural awareness – To recognise and understand bias and its implications in a professional environment.
The use of language - how we talk about people and people from marginalised/diverse communities and how this frames our thinking.
Race and Identity – what do we mean by race? Understanding the role it plays in how we think, make decisions and form relationships.
Religion and Gender – How our religious beliefs play out in the workplace. How safe we feel to express them. Recognising how gender factors in to how we are measured.
Cultivating Safe Spaces and Psychological Safety – ensuring our work spaces, are conducive to building trustworthy relationships, with safe spaces to talk and be heard, without fear of judgement.
Exploring Courageous Conversations – how do we ensure individuals are encouraged to express their views openly and truthfully, rather than defensively or with the purpose of laying blame. Out of dialogue emerges a new and shared understanding.
Becoming Active Bystanders - being an active bystander means being aware of when someone's behaviour is inappropriate or threatening and choosing to challenge it.